You seem to be making the argument that many Ukraine fans are making - namely, that the only reason Ukraine is losing is that it lacks sufficient arms and munitions. You seem to ignore the fact that Ukraine has run out of trained soldiers. They are press-ganging young men and old men off the street and sending them to the front with little training. Zelensky's mobilisation efforts seem ever more desperate. The sad truth is that even if the West sent an ocean of arms and supplies, the Ukrainians would not be able to use them, because ithis war has always been one of attrition, and in a war of attrition the one with the most men wins. Russia has 5x the population of Ukraine. How anyone ever thought that Ukraine could win in the first place is beyond me. There was never any chance that Ukraine could win. The stakes for Russia were too high, whereas the stakes for the US were low. Weaken Russia if possible, sure, but unlike for Russia, this war was never an existential one for the US and NATO (despite hat they may have said).