You are sooooooooo wrong. I am a socialist. I was a registered Democrat from 1976 to April 2020, when I #Demexited and re-registerd in the Green Party.
The Democratic Party is a cesspool of corporate corruption, and I witnessed this corruption when they colluded, conspired, cheated and stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders in 2016, then again in 2020.
I have the receipts. Literally. I have my ActBlue account extract that shows I havce given a combined $2700 to Bernie Sanders for the two campaigns.
Now, maybe you do not consider Bernie progressive. I would suspect you consider him instead to be "a sexist misogynist privileged white cis male who has no sympathy for POC and other marginalized groups."
AM I RIGHT??????
Please do continue to call me out wherever you find me. Here, I will help:
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On Twitter:
I will be happy to address your lunacy on any platform you choose. My Progressive bona fides are beyond reproach.