Joe Brunoli
1 min readAug 15, 2023


YES. It is all about the grift. We are seeing it now especially in Ukraine, as you say. For YEARS, Ukraine and its awfully corrupt leadership was a place where Democrat fail-sons and daughters could make money for themselves and their parents.

The Biden example is the most egregious, but it is only the beginning. We now know that Nancy Pelosi's son was also pulling millions from shady business deals in Ukraine.

And why not? The coup government that the Obama Administration installed in 2014 was designed to facilitate a wholesale looting of Ukraine in general, sort of like what the West did to Russia under Yeltsin after the fall of the USSR. Plunder, ravage, pillage.

But of course Ukraine was different because the US had direct and absolute control of the government, and the legal system.

It was a gold mine for corrupt US politicians and corporate fascists like BlackRock and Monsanto.

And then there was the whole FTX/Sam Bankman-Fried scam, that was also tied to Ukraine.

This is why billions of US tax dollars get sent to Ukraine to prop up the corrupt Zelensky regime. Biden and the others in power in the US simply do not want that gravy train to stop.



Joe Brunoli

Joe is a Yank with dual US-EU citizenship and comments on trends, politics and more. Buy Joe a coffee here: