Yes, he was broadcasting from Berlin.
Look, I do not know what you want from this. Was Husseini an anti-Semite? I don't know.
Did he say and do anti-Semitic things to get on the "good side" of the Nazis he thought were soon going to be occupying the Levant and vanquishing the British? Yes, most certainly.
Are you trying to portray the Grand Mufti as some sort of mortal enemy of the Jews ON PAR WITH HITLER?
Or - more precisely - are you trying to use the Mufti as a reason to commit genocide on the Arabs? Again - seriously?
I will admit that prior to 2023 I had never heard of the Grand Mufti. I had heard of Hitler, but not the leader of some obscure arabist movement from the last century.
Having dug into the subject, it is clear to me that Husseini was a minor figure who was used by the Nazis to the extent that he was useful. He is not some Hitler-level anti-Semite to anyone but psychopathic Zionist murderers like Netanyahu, who never cease to look for reasons to commit the most horrible atrocities on their perceived "enemies" - who, I might add, include ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ZIONISTS.