WRONG. Poroshenko was working exclusively with the Obama Administration and the Americans.
If you have followed US news, you know that Biden was calling all the shots in Kiev while Poroshenko was there. Biden was Obama's bag man in Ukraine.
Poroshenko was the one who worked with Obama and Biden and got the US to invest $2.7 billion in the Ukrainian military.
Under Poroshenko, the Ukrainian military went from 6,000 men in 2014 to 120,000+ by the time he left office.
It was Poroshenko who said the Russian speaking children in Donbas would be "living in basements, while our children go to school".
Poroshenko was the one who passed the laws forbidding Russian language. He forced the Russian Orthodox Church to change its name and break away from Moscow.
It was under him that the "Institute for National Memory" started the most militant policies of the "deRussification" campaign in Ukraine.
It was under Poroshenko that the school textbooks were rewritten to remove all references to Russia.
Poroshenko just did not want to "cut off his nose to spite his face" - he just had a balanced approach, he used "Realpolitik" - he wanted to work with Russia as well as the West.