We have a word for these people in the US. We call them "readers". In the USA, people are actively encouraged - indeed pressured - to NOT do their own research.
We are all supposed to accept the dominant narrative and actively distrust any news or information that does not come from an "authoritative source".
Authoritative in this case really means authoritarian.
Not many people know this, but in the USA prior to Bill Clinton, we had hundreds of independent news sources (TV networks, newspapers). However, when Clinton signed the 1996 Telecommunication Act, it allowed for unprecedented "media consolidation" to an extent that had been previously illegal.
The result is that instead of hundreds of "official" independent news and information sources, we now have SIX. Just six. And what is worse, they are all parts of giant corporations that have significant holdings in things like the military industrial complex, government contracting, health care and pharmaceuticals.
Every single Sunday Morning news show in America is "brought to you by Boeing" or "brought to you by Pfizer". I always thought it was strange, because I myself was never in the market for a jet fighter, and yet that was the commercial they were showing me.
In any case, my point is that the news in America is all corporate propaganda, because the corporations that own the news outlets are all "partnered" with the government.
I understand that Ukraine has a very similar situation right now. Some have said it is only temporary, and all the bans and closures will be reversed once the war is over. If you believe that, I have some land in Florida I would like to sell you.