This was the population of Palestine in 1920 (Wikipedia):
- Jews: Approximately 84,000
- Christians: Around 71,000
- Muslims: Estimated to be 589,000
- Total population: Approximately 752,000
Your reference to the old wag about “a land without a people for a people without a land” is now a big joke. Noboby buys that bull anymore.
The skirmishes and riots you list are small beer compared to the massacres carried out by the Haganah, Irgun and Lehi, who initiated vicious bombing campaigns and targeted assassinations, as well as orchestrated mass slaughters like Deir Yassin.
And then, of course, we have the Nakba.
The fact is that the British had no right to decide that the mostly Arab Palestine could be converted to a mostly Jewish region through immigration and settler colonialism.
Did the Palestinians revolt against the invasion of their land by foreign (European) elements? Yes. They did not want their land to be subsumed by an ever growing population of European Ashkenazis who were being "imported" into Palestine and funded by third party organisations (not the least of which was Lord Rothschild). Zionist organisations like JAFI and JNF also funded this settler project.
What started out as a vanity project by the incredibly wealthy and powerful Lord Rothschild ended up as a catastrophe and the creation of an artificial state that has no intrinsic right to exist.
It's that simple.
I suggest you use the Google machine to find out what a Gish Gallop is. You should at least be acquainted with that term, since it is the nearest English equivalent to the particular type of hasbara in which you engage.