This is absurdly false on both counts.
First, let's take Syria. Russia was invited to come into Syria to protect Damascus from the sectarian death squads and US-supplied, US-armed Al Qaeda forces that were trying to topple the Assad regime at the behest of Washington. This they did. The massive civilian casualties were caused by the jihadist rebels whom we know to have little regard for human life and certainly zero regard for civilians. Indeed, the Al Nusra and other islamic extremists that the US engaged to fight against Assad do not even have the concept of "military" and "civilian". They just bombed and killed indiscriminately. There certainly was no "shock and awe" on Russia's side in Syria. The Russian mission was a defensive one to preserve the government of Syria and their ally. Russia rushed into Syria like the cavalry to save the day - not least because Syria hosts one of only two Russian warm water naval bases, the Tartus facility on the Mediterranean. Russia has been leasing this base from Syria since 1971, and they were not about to let it fall into the hands of the US-backed jihadist rebels.
Secondly, Russia did not use "shock and awe" in Ukraine. Indeed, Russia has been very measured in its approach to Ukraine, and has gone out of the way to minimise civilian casualties. Remember, most of the fighting has been taking place in Russian-speaking areas, and Russia sees these people as Slavic brothers.
Indeed, the civilian casualties perpetrated on the Ukrainian population has been done by the Western Ukrainian Nazis. They see themselves as Aryan Europeans, not slavs - indeed, they see it as their sacred mission to exterminate ethnic Russians. The Azov Battalion, Aidar Battalion, Kraken Regiment, Dnipr-1 Brigade, Tornado Regiment, not to mention the military wings of C14, Right Sector, Svoboda, were all sent by Kiev to the East to fight the "rebels" in Donbas in 2014, and they have been massacring civilians there ever since.
So once again, your hot take is facile and shallow and misses the deeper motivations, movements and causes behind world events. The virus that caused the pandemic was developed by the US in China, and the war in Ukraine was started by the US and NATO when they crossed the Russian red line of inviting Ukraine into NATO, and the war became hot once the US-backed UkroNazis started slaughtering Russians in the Donbas in 2014.