The Palestinians made their choice democratically. Jimmy Carter and his organisation observed the elections and declared them free and fair.
Israel chose not to accept the democratic results of the Palestinian electio ns and imstead decided on collective punishment - as they ALWAYS do.
In 2017 Hamas changed its charter to accept the two state solution and Israel's right to exist. And yet the blockade contnued.
The kneecapping took place against peaceful protesters in 2018 and 2019, when Palestinians — including Hamas — tried a non-violent protest to demand their rights. Israel responded by targeting journalists, medics and the disabled.
And let us not forget that Israel helped create Hamas in 1987 as an alternative to Fatah and the PLO, who had accepted Israel’s right to exist and were pushing to initiate the UN’s two state solution, which the UNSC passed in 1974.
By allowing Hamas to become strong, Israel created for itself a reason for rejecting peace talks, because Hamas’s original charter called for the destruction of Israel.
As mentioned above, that reason was no loner valid as of 2017, but still, nothing changed.