I am not buying the old hype
The historical events that led to this tragedy do not date back a thousand years. That is a well-worn Zionist trope, a false narrative that says Arabs and Jews have been fighting for thousands of years and asserts that we Westerners cannot begin to comprehend the complicated history that underlies the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Only Jews, with their 3000 year history, can properly understand the situation, and Western gentiles should just keep their nose out of it.
Balderdash, I say.
Firstly, this is not about the Jewish people. This is about Zionism, Zionists, and the Zionist state that is Israel. And Zionism has only been around since the 19th century.
Further, we should remember that the first enemies of the Zionists were not the Arabs but rather the British. European Jews, in the aftermath of World War One, organised themselves into terrorist factions aimed at forcing the British out of Palestine. Among these were the Haganah, the Irgun, and the Lehi or Stern Gang. These were all "underground Jewish organisations" dedicated to creating a "Greater Israel" - and starting with the violent expulsion of the British.
Beginning in 1920, with the founding of Haganah, this fight for Israel became increasingly violent, as the most violent factions of the Haganah broke off to create Irgun in 1931, due to the Irgun members' dissatisfaction with Haganah leadership's reluctance to kill British soldiers, diplomats and other personages. Avraham Stern then created Lehi in 1940 as an even MORE violent force to kill Brits.
"In 1941, Lehi’s official organ, Bamahteret, published “The Principles of Renaissance” formulated by Stern, which constituted the ideological and political platform of Lehi:
"The Jewish people is a unique people.
"The Homeland is here in Eretz-Israel with its borders as defined in the Torah.
"Israel took Eretz-Israel by the sword. There it became a nation, only there will it be reborn".
To realise these maximalist goals, the British had to be driven out of Eretz Israel and the Arab Palestinians had to be exterminated.
Consequently, for example, two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre that killed at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children, carried out together with Lehi on 9 April 1948.
The hotel bombing killed 91 people including dozens of British citizens.
It is also worthy of note that, in order to make sure their intentions were clear, the Irgun also bombed the British Embassy in Rome in 1946, and British Army HQ in Hotel Sacher in Vienna in 1947.
They also blew up the British Bevograd Officers Club in Jerusalem, killing another 20 Britons.
The Irgun and Lehi slaughter of British personnel continued all through the years 1940-1948. Hundreds of British and European (and American) people died and were injured.
So no, the British had not "taken to the Zionist movement". They had Zionism forced upon them.
The killing only stopped when the Israeli state was declared - but even then messages were sent to the West to keep out of Palestine. The 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, an American Navy surveillance vessel patrolling the eastern Mediterranean area to perform a signals intelligence collection mission in international waters during the Six Day War is one example. Over 30 American sailors perished. The message was received. Instead of retaliating, LBJ ordered the ship to leave the area.
Propagandising the West is an Israeli Strength
When dealing with modern-day Israel it is important to remember that the audacious — and merciless — arrogance of those Israeli terrorists is alive and well in the current government.
Bibi Netanyahu’s Likud Party can trace its origins directly back to the Irgun
In fact, Bibi Netanyahu’s Likud Party can trace its origins directly back to the Irgun, and the Likudniks have carried on with Irgun’s philosophy of establishing a Greater Israel “by the sword” — regardless of what their western backers may think. Indeed, just as the Israelis did not hesitate to blow up British military bases and hotels, or attack a US Navy ship in international waters, the Zionist fanatics of today will not shrink from committing the most outrageous acts, confident that their “allies” like the US and the UK will sit by and do nothing.
This is because of two factors: first, there is the “Israel Lobby” led by AIPAC, the American Israeli Political Action Committee, which wields the power to remove any elected official in Washington if they do not fall in line. Indeed, being perceived as “insufficiently pro-Israel” is a fear that drives the actions of virtually all US politicians — and especially Joe Biden.
Secondly, Israel has captured the media and the narrative in the West, to the point where every “news” outlet, every mainstream pundit, every commentator adopts reflexively a pro-Israel position on every topic that arises.
This narrative control is so complete that Israel is allowed to regularly commit massive war crimes and crimes against humanity, can flagrantly flout UN resolutions as well as world opinion — with utter and complete impunity.
This is because we in the West have been bombarded with Zionist propaganda all our lives.
I remember as a child hearing the familiar refrain: "A land without a people for a people without a land". This slogan led us in the West to believe that no one was living in Palestine; that the place was deserted, and it was easy for the Jews to "peacefully" move in and settle in the "wilderness" that was Palestine.
The wilderness motif was further promulgated when we were also told over and over again that the brave, resourceful, hard-working Israelis "made the desert bloom".
As former Israel Prime Minister Shimon Peres once said, “The country [Palestine] was mostly an empty desert, with only a few islands of Arab settlement; and Israel’s [cultivated] land today was indeed redeemed from swamp and wilderness.”
What hogwash. As if people had not been cultivating that land for millennia.
So you see, it is not that difficult to understand the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It started in the last century when a band of fanatical, homicidal, bloodthirsty Zionist extremists set out to re-establish the ancient land of Eretz-Israel and building the Third Temple - to replace the current Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest place in Islam.
Indeed, Stern had called for building the Temple on the Mount and destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque 80 years ago, and it seems the Israelis are finally getting around to it.
Here is a Barron's article from June 2023:
"The Israelis Set For New Jewish Temple On Al-Aqsa Site"
The article begins:
"With imported sacrificial cows, ancient hymns and growing support, some nationalist Jews hope to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem's Old City, at a site at the heart of Israeli-Palestinian tensions."
No joking- these fanatics have already obtained the three red heifers to be sacrificed at the new Temple according to the ancient texts.
And here is a Times of Israel article from July 2023, just three months before this week's attack:
"Minister calls for third Temple to be built"
The article explains:
"The statement from Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel (from the Jewish Home party) breaks a long-standing taboo on high-ranking government officials speaking about changing the fragile status quo on the holy and contested esplanade, and will likely draw ire from official Israeli circles and anger the Arab and Muslim world".
I think we can now say that the Times severely underestimated the reaction to Israel's open plans to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build the Third Temple in its place.
It is not a coincidence that Hamas has named this latest operation "Al-Aqsa Flood".