The CIA Has “Georgia On Its Mind”

Western intelligence agencies are trying to work their “colour revolution” magic in yet another Russian neighbour — and it needs to stop.

Joe Brunoli
34 min readMay 28, 2024


[Source: DD Geopolitics via X]

What’s happening in Georgia is as bizarre as it is blatant. Western intel agencies, politicians and both governmental and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and media outlets are openly campaigning against a new law in Georgia that would require a modicum of transparency for all such entities operating in the public sphere in Georgia.

It is an absurd situation for several reasons.

Georgian history proves the law is needed

Most people have probably heard of the US-backed “colour revolutions” that have pushed for regime change in various ex-Soviet republics. Taking advantage of the chaos that reigned following the fall of the USSR, Western intel agencies, acting both covertly and overtly through their NGO cutouts, organised “grassroots” revolutions aimed at pulling these ex-Soviet satellites out of Russia’s orbit and into the Western sphere of influence.

They did this specifically by fomenting “movements” to push for joining NATO and the EU.



Joe Brunoli

Joe is a Yank with dual US-EU citizenship and comments on trends, politics and more. Buy Joe a coffee here: