Thank you for encapsulating the West's dominant narrative. It is one I have heard all my life. Assad, Khomeini, Bin Laden, Saddam, Gadaffi, Milosevic, Kim Jong Il, Maduro, Chavez, Ortega, Noriega ,,,
ALL of these people were Hitler.
It was ALWAYS 1936.
It is a very useful narrative for the warmongers and profiteers, because it guarantees war.
Even at the height of the Cold War, we negotiated with the Soviets, Reagan's "Evil Empire".
We signed the ABM Treaty, the START, the SALT and the INF treaties.
But now we have Putin, who is the latest "Hitler", so any talk of negotiations is immediately dismissed as "appeasement". That is why the CPC had to recall their letter 24 hours later - they were accused fo appeasing Hitler.
It is stupid beyond words.