Stanley, I am afraid your take is all wrong. China and Russia are friends and equals. They work closely together as sovereign independent co-equal partners in the BRICS+ and SCO frameworks. Because sovereignty and equality and egalitarianism between states is what those organisations are based on. It is what the new, "multipolar" world order is based on.
Russia and China are tightly allied and continue to grow closer the more the USA rattles its sabres and tries to order everyone around. The latest warnings to come out of Washington, threatening China with "consequences" if they supply "lethal aid" to Russia, are only enraging the Chinese and pushing them further into the loving embrace of Mother Russia, with whom they share a 4000 km border.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry just posted a white paper on their website that I urge you to read. It is entitled - not very subtly - "US Hegemony and Its Perils".
Here is the Introduction:
"Since becoming the world's most powerful country after the two world wars and the Cold War, the United States has acted more boldly to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, pursue, maintain and abuse hegemony, advance subversion and infiltration, and willfully wage wars, bringing harm to the international community.
"The United States has developed a hegemonic playbook to stage "color revolutions," instigate regional disputes, and even directly launch wars under the guise of promoting democracy, freedom and human rights. Clinging to the Cold War mentality, the United States has ramped up bloc politics and stoked conflict and confrontation. It has overstretched the concept of national security, abused export controls and forced unilateral sanctions upon others. It has taken a selective approach to international law and rules, utilizing or discarding them as it sees fit, and has sought to impose rules that serve its own interests in the name of upholding a "rules-based international order."
"This report, by presenting the relevant facts, seeks to expose the U.S. abuse of hegemony in the political, military, economic, financial, technological and cultural fields, and to draw greater international attention to the perils of the U.S. practices to world peace and stability and the well-being of all peoples".
If you read this document, you will see that the Chinese and the Russians are singing from the same hymnal.