So why not just continue the Lend Lease for Ukraine? You are all over the map here. Is Russia a threat. or is she on the brink of collapse?
Can Ukraine win with a more substantial Lend Lease, like Russia did in 1945? Or do we need to send American troops to liberate the Donbas and Crimea "before it's too late"?
You talk about Romania and Poland. Interesting that these are the two most anti-Russian countries in NATO - they founded the "Bucharest Nine" which will probably start WWIII if given a chance.
Romania and Poland should NOT feel safe. They allowed the US to station nuclear-capable Aegis Ashore missile batteries in their territories, which have a few minutes' flight time to Moscow. They should go to sleep every night fearing that Moscow will do a pre-emptive strike to remove that nuclear threat.
Moving on ...
Yes, Adolph Hitler took power through a democratic process. So did Zelensky. And now he has implemented a totally autocratic, dictatorial regime, just like Hitler. There is far more freedom of the press, religion, speech and media In Russia than there is in Ukraine right now.
At least Putin is not so afraid he has to resort to banning his opposition parties, like Zelensky did.
You are still clinging to the false narrative that - despite being a tremendously dangerous military power on the verge of occupying all of Europe, "the Russian military is degraded" and on the verge of collapse. All that is needed is to send in "fresh" American troops to finish them off.
I don't understand, Nadin - there are millions of Ukrainians left who can fight - we just need to continue the Lend Lease program which - according to you - is the one thing that helped the Soviets defeat Hitler in 1945. It should be able to work again to defeat the new., modern-day Hitler, right?
Nadin, your Russophobia is irrational because it rests on two fundamental, but also fundamentally incompatible, precepts:
First, you believe Russia is a wannabe globe-straddling superpower that is poised to roll across Europe like the Mongol hordes, sweeping all armies and peoples before it, and Putin is a modern day Hitler who is somehow also a modern day Peter the Great and/or Stalin and hell-bent on reconstituting the Russian Empire and/or the Soviet Union.
Second, Russia is a socioeconomically retarded backwater, a third world country with no industrial or technological capacity, a country running out of everything, with incompetent leadership and cowardly soldiers who run away at the first sign of a fight, and Russia is nothing but “a gas station masquerading as a country”, as John McCain said, and Putin is a petty thug, a weak leader who can only make life difficult for his immediate neighbors, as Barack Obama said.
These two diametrically opposed views of Russia are necessary for the warmongering Neocons (like you) in the West to build and sustain a conflict designed to “strategically defeat” Russia and overthrow Vladimir Putin.
Portraying Russia as being both an evil threat and an incompetent third world backwater means that Western populations can literally be convinced of ANYTHING - snd it looks like it has worked on you.
For you, no Russian villainy is too cartoonish, no Russian atrocity beyond the pale; no Russian defeat too improbable — while simultaneously, no Ukrainian virtue is too romantic, no Ukrainian anecdote too heroic; no Ukrainian "victory" too overwhelming or too improbable to be believed.
If this war ends badly it will be due to the terminal case of cognitive dissonance that pro-Western propagandists like you are perpetrating on the people of the collective West.
IF Americans believe they are facing an existential threat- as you would have them do - and there are no more conventional weapons to pump into the gaping maw of Ukraine, then those tactical nukes will start looking pretty good. And God help us all.