Sigh. Here we go again, a reprise of Biden's 2022 promise that "the Ruble will be rubble". I think that once again, the rumours of the death of the Russian economy are highly exaggerated.
The US Dollar to Ruble exchange rate isn't that important anymore, due to somethign called "sanctions". I suggest you Google this word. Sanctions have literally transformed the global economy. They have boomeranged against the West, driving Europe's economy into tatters, while at the same time allowing Russia to become self-sufficient. These sanctions have also led to the proliferation of the BRICS.
Meanwhile, beware those who tell you that Russia is on the brink of collapse. We have heard this before.
Every month the message was the same:
[Source: Newsweek, March 2022]
[Source: Metro UK, April 2022]
[Source: Moscow Times, May 2022]
[Source: Newsweek, June 2022]
[Source: Fortune, July 2022]
[Source: Newsweek, August 2022]
[Source: Newsweek, September 2022]
[Source: The Telegraph, October 2022]
[Source: Newsweek, November 2022]
[Source: Newsweek, December 2022]
- In September they said that Russia had turned to North Korea for replenishment.
- In November Lloyd Austin, America’s defence secretary, spoke of “significant shortages”.
- On December 14, 2022, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Britain’s chief of defence staff, declared: “So let me tell Putin tonight what his own generals and ministers are probably too afraid to say : Russia faces a critical shortage of artillery munitions.”
- Ten days earlier Avril Haines, America’s top intelligence official, had offered a similar assessment.
One year later — they are STILL doing it!
[Source: Yahoo News / CBS News May 2023]