Please provide evidence of Russia helping Castro to take power. I challenge you.
Cuba had a formal economic and military alliance with the USSR, but that only started AFTER Castro's failed trip to Washington DC, where he had tried to set up a strategic relationship with the US and was resolutely REFUSED. Castro knew that Cuba, as a small and weak country, needed to have a strategic "big brother", and so having failed to achieve any progress with the US, Castro agreed to meet with the Russians.
Also, please provide evidence of Russia "meddling" in any of those countries I mentioned.
You cannot assume that just because a country elects socialists that it is due to "Russian meddling".
No. The US meddled in the affairs of those countries because it could not abide any socialist states in "their" hemisphere.
Indeed, the US "ownership" of the Western hemisphere was formally stated in the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, and the USA has jealously defended its self-arrogated right to control the governments of Central and South America ever since.