Oh, where to begin!
First, it is 100% the aim of the current Kiev regime to "kill Russian people". They started in the Donbas, where 14,000 people perished under UkroNazi shelling, bombardment, sniping, torture and general murderous mayhem. When the Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk (hand picked by Victoria Nuland) declared that they would "cleanse the evil subhumans from the land" he was not mincing words. He was making it pretty clear what the Kiev regime planned to do. And they started doing it when they launched their ATO (Anti-Terror Operation).
And when that Quora poster I quoted said that Russians "have always been evil" he was not talking about any single government.
What has Swan Lake to do with Putin? What has The Nutcracker to do with the Kremlin? Those works were written LONG before the communists even appeared in Russia.
Second, you seem to be pretty benighted about your own history. You equate the US attitude towards Germans with that toward the Japanese? Are you that ignorant? Show me the concentration camps that the US built to house Germans. There are none. It was only the Japanese - ALL Japanese, of all ages - who were rounded up like cattle and shipped off to camps in the wilds of Idaho and the like.
Third: "If the Russians could play by the rules of liberal democratic societies and the international order supported by them" - what kind of nonsense is this? Show me the definition of a "liberal democratic society". Show me where the rules are written that define the "international order" of which you speak. It is all rubbish. Is Saudi Arabia a "liberal democracy"? Is Israel obeying the "international order" when they slaughter Palestinians and steal their land? Please.
Fourth - to imply in any way that Russians "do not belong" in Crimea shows complete and utter ignorance not only of history but of reality itself.
And finally - you seem to be suffering from Putin Derangement Syndrome. You appear to be of the opinion that Putin is some sort of Stalin-like dictator who rules with an iron fist. This is simply not true. You talk about the difference "between a Putinist and a Russian" as if there was some sort of giant divide - there is not. Putin currently enjoys an 84% approval rating. And most of the criticism he is getting from the Russian people centres on the fact that they want Ukraine destroyed FASTER. They want the war to be over and NATO to be defeated resoundingly. In short, the Russian people want Putin to be MORE aggressive towards the West.
And BTW, those popularity figures are not from some Russian propaganda source, they are from the Levada Center, which is part of the University of Wisconsin (Madison). They are accurate.
You end with another lame, hackneyed meme about Putin somehow being like a modern day Hitler. That cliché embarrasses us both. Please desist, or no one will take you seriously.