Oh, just stop it. It is simply ridiculous to compare Ukrainian Nazis with any other flavour of Nazis.
1) The OUN and UPA specifically adopted the Nazi philosophy - even the Nazi salute. Slava Ucraina means literally "Sieg Heil" in this respect.
2) Yes, we are all aware that Nazis exist in many Western countries, but there is only ONE country that has named a Nazi collaborator and mass murderer as a "national hero" and named a national holiday in his honour - that Nazi is Bandera, and the country is UKRAINE.
3) I suggest you look up what Andriy Biletsky, the founder of the formerly condemned but now celebrated Azov Battalion said in 2010: the mission of Ukraine is to "“lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen".
That sounds pretty Nazi-like to me.
BUT HERE'S THE KICKER: Biletsky was elected to PARLIAMENT in 2014, and formed the "National Corps" political party in 2016.
You seem to be missing the big point here, Mitch. What makes Ukraine so odious and uniquely evil is not the fact that they have Nazi militias serving as official units of the military; it's not that they have Nazi gangs roaming the streets persecuting Russians and other ethnic groups. That sort of thiung happens in many places, including the USA.
No, what makes Ukraine so unique is the extent to which the Nazis have - with a massive assist from the USA - literally taken over the government.
But hey, that should not surprise anyone. Hating and wanting to exterminate Russians is part of the Ukrainian nationalist philosophy, and the CIA has been using that hatred since 1945. The US has always been ready and willing and enthusiastic about partnering with right wing fascist groups because they were always the most reliable anti-communists the CIA could ever hope for. This was true of Pinochet, Somoza, Arbenz, Guzzetti, and-of course-BANDERA, who himself remained a CIA asset living in West Germany until the KGB killed him in 1959.
That is what makes Ukraine so different.
People like you seem to think that this all started in 2022, when in reality the war that is being fought today in Ukraine has been in the CIA playbook and on the planning table since 1945.