Oh how cruel and sadistic you are. You have obviously bought into the cynical US hegemonic strategy of sacrificing Ukrainian lives in a futile attempt to inflict a "strategic defeat" on Russia.
Yes, this war is one of attrition, and thousands of Russian lives have been lost. But for every one Russian life lost, 7 Ukrainians have died.
But what do you care? 500,000 Ukrainians dead; 1/3 of the Ukrainian population cast to the four winds; the economy destroyed, the land polluted, the cemeteries overflowing; the cities in ruins; an entire generation lost.
But that's OK. Because, as you say "Ukraine doesn't matter".
And for Russian "expansionism", you are deluded. This is a horrible myth. Russia is not bent on expansionism; the US is. The United States and the collective West boast about "NATO expansion". What does that mean, if not "American expansionism"? More and more European countries fall under the sway of the American Empire, and Russia is the one last bastion of freedom, standing athwart the path of the Great Hegemon and saying "NO".
As far as the war is concerned, you can cling to whatever meagre and distorted reports you read in the Western press, but the fact is that the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is now 43; they are rounding up old men and women to serve in the front lines; the Ukrainians are being driven like sacrificial lambs to the slaughter, all in pursuit of a deluded expansionist campaign by the US to "defeat Russia".
How many US politicians have opined that the proxy war in Ukraine is "the best investment we ever made" because Ukrainians are dying in their thousands, but Americans are not? How evil, how cynical, and you - a Yankee Imperialist to the core, dismiss this horrendous loss of life with a breezy declaration that "Ukraine drew the short straw".
You condemn yourself.
And as for Russia trying to expand: why the hell would they? Why would anyone in their right mind want to conquer Europe? I live in Europe. We have NOTHING that Russia needs. Our economy is in the toilet; we have a degraded civil society; we have no natural resources; our industrial capacity is destroyed; our economies are in tatters. Why on earth would Russia want to take on this hot, stinking mess that is Europe when they have the largest land mass on earth, full of gold, diamonds, minerals, oil, gas, lithium and everything else you could ever wish for?
This is something the West has always coveted. That is why they go to war with Russia. THEY WANT WHAT RUSSIA HAS - NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
You ignorant twatwaffle.