NATO is a Farce, Part 7: Europe’s New Authoritarianism

The wave of militarism sweeping across Europe is not supported by the people, and only an authoritarian EU regime can make it happen.

Joe Brunoli


Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen is the face of the new European authoritarianism. {Source: Tag24]

Enforcing Militarism Through Authoritarianism

While NATO leaders are chomping at the bit to go to war with Russia, their constituents are far less enthusiastic.

A recent white paper from the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) raises serious doubts about NATO’s capability to fight a protracted conventional conflict with Russia:

Any permutation of a serious Russia-NATO conflict that does not end quickly will become a clash of not just armies, but societies. This becomes a competition in resilience and preparedness, industrial capacity and supply chains, magazine depth, logistics, mass, resources, and especially the “will to fight.”

But the most pro-war leaders in Europe are proving to be EXTREMELY unpopular. Their respective parties were soundly defeated in the recent round of European parliamentary elections.

For example, the party of France’s Emmanuel was roundly defeated in the EU Parliament elections, prompting Macron to call for a snap election of the…



Joe Brunoli

Joe is a Yank with dual US-EU citizenship and comments on trends, politics and more. Buy Joe a coffee here: