NATO is a Dangerous Farce — and We All Know It

It is simply a fig leaf to cover US imperialism

Joe Brunoli


In the words of its first Secretary General Lord Ismay, NATO was formed to “keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down.”

“Follow the leader” {Source: Activist Post]

In the 21st century, where the Soviet Union no longer existed, where Germany was at peace with its neighbors and formed the pacifist industrial heart of the European Union, this original mandate no longer really applied— so why did the US keep NATO alive?

Well, it seems that what was old is new again. For the US, the original mandate is still 100% relevant — just not as noble or as clear as the original raison d’être.

The US still wants to use NATO to “keep the Russians out” — but economically and politically, not just militarily. Ukraine notwithstanding, modern NATO was not conceived to battle hordes of Russian tanks rolling across the steppes into Eastern Europe (more on this below).

The US also still wants to “keep Germany down” — but again, not militarily. Today, in all practical terms, Germany has become the European Union, which the US perceives as a global economic competitor.

The US thus seeks to weaken the EU — like the Russians — both economically and politically, while keeping them dependent on the US for their…



Joe Brunoli

Joe is a Yank with dual US-EU citizenship and comments on trends, politics and more. Buy Joe a coffee here: