Israel is a settler colonialist state. So is the United States. So is Australia. So is South Africa. In each of these instances (including Israel) white Europeans seized the land from darker skinned indigenous people who were living there, and in many cases - and to a varying degree - the white settler colonisers perpetrated opprerssion and even genocide on the native inhabitants.
When Americans say they have "shared values" with Israel, that is what they mean: they each represent a civilisational, culturally superior people that is dedicated to wiping out the more primitive - and darker people they have displaced.
In other words "settler colonialism" is a thing. GET OVER IT.
The idea that the Jews need to have their own state in order to be safe is a LIE. And a very dangerous one at that. Look at Israel: 75 years later, and Jews in Israel are the LEAST SAFE they have ever been.
Meanwhile, the Jews living in New York, LA, London, Cape Town, and even Russia, are the safest, healthiest and most prosperous, most powerful and most secure Jewish populations in 5000 years. Nothing to do with Israel or Zionism.
And regarding Hamas, let us be clear: Hamas is an ACRONYM that stands for the arabic name, "Islamic Resistance Movement". What are they resisting? The Zionist occupation of Palestine They do not want to exterminate Jews or Christians, they do not want to form a Caliphate. They simply want the illegal occupation of their land to stop.
You would do well to read the Hamas charter of 2017. There is an English version online HERE:
Hamas define themselves as a Resistance Movement. They resist the illegal occupation. If there were no occupation, THERE WOULD BE NO HAMAS.
Hamas define themselves as follows:
"The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” is a Palestinian Islamic national liberation and resistance movement. Its goal is to liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist project".
No Sharia law is mentioned.
The charter's Article 6 even defines Palestinians as follows:
6. "The Palestinian people are one people, made up of all Palestinians, inside and outside of Palestine, irrespective of their religion, culture or political affiliation".
So stop making Hamas out to be the bogeyman. They are not terrorists, they are resistance fighters. The Nazis called the French Resistance fighters "terrorists" - is that the company you want to be in?