I think you need to seriously revisit your definition of genocide.
Under international law, it would be impossible for anyone to commit genocide against Israel.
This is because - contrary to Zionist hasbara - Israel is not a people or a cultural group in any way, shape or form.
Israel is what the Zionists wanted - a country for Jewish people, but a nation like any other, like Germany or Italy or Britain.
Israel is not a cultural or even a homogenous religious group. 20% of Israelis are Arabs. The Mizrahi Israelis are Semitic Arabs. The Ashkenazi are Europeans. Israel is a country that is unified under a political ethno-natiionalist philosophy that claims right to a land occupied by an indigenous people.
When the native North Americans rose up against the nascent American settlers, were they trying to execute a genocide?
NO. They were trying to dive invaders out of their lands. It didn't matter whether those invaders came from England, Germany, Scotland. Wales, or France.
Jews lived and thrived in Palestine for hundreds of years. So did Christians. There is a reason that the Muslim holy day is on Friday, the Jewish holy day is on Saturday, and the Christian holy day is on Sunday. It was so that in every community there would be no friction between the factions. In the smallest towns, they had a single meeting place, which served as a mosque on Friday, a synagogue on Saturday, and a church on Sunday.
The Palestinians accepted Jews and Christians. There were always Jews and Christians in Palestine, living in peace, until Zionism came along. And it will be so again.