I am sorry we disagree on this topic. My reasons for supporting Trump over Harris are purely pragmatic and based in a sort of domestic Realpolitik.
As you may know, I am a card-carrying member of the Green Party and had planned to vote for my party's candidate, Jill. Stein. In fact, I still plan to vote for Stein unless the polls in my state indicate that there is a chance that Harris might win there, in which case I will vote to try and deny Harris and the Democrats that win.
This is because I am convinced - truly convinced - that if the Democrats remain in power, the US will become totally fascistic and militaristic and - most importantly - we will end up in open war with Russia, which I believe will devolve into a nuclear conflict that will leave us all dead.
I believe this to be true.
You can disagree, but I am entitled to my beliefs, and I also believe there is nothing you can point to that will indicate that such is NOT the case.
I believe the Democrats in charge now - and the ones around them - are all inveterate neocons whose ideology is to them more important than human life, and for whom the destruction of the Russian Federation is the singular most important strategic goal possible, and - most importantly - one that is worth going to nuclear war over.
Again, I am convinced of this and so am compelled to act accordingly.
Second, I do believe that Trump, if elected, will try to make good on his many boasts of being able to "end the war in 24 hours". I believe that Trump will try to make good on that promise, even if it is for petty personal reasons. Those reasons, of course, are that the Ukraine conflict is a "Biden project" and Biden and his cohorts even impeached Trump over Ukraine. Trump sees Biden and Co. as his personal nemeses, and he will do everything he can to wreck their pet project. Certainly he will not ratchet up the rhetoric and the warfare.
I believe that Trump is not an ideologue. In fact, I don't think he believes in anything except his own ego. But that, for me, is a good thing. Trump is "transactional" and always looks to make a deal so he can stay "on brand" and do what others could not.
Trump has been castigated condemned and lord knows investigated and vilified because of his willingness to "talk to Putin".
I believe such talking is exactly what we need if we are to avoid nuclear Armageddon.
Biden and his cabal of neocons REFUSE to talk to Putin. And that is extremely dangerous.
Again, you can say these are invalid reasons, that Putin is bluffing, that Russia would not resort to nukes, etc., and that Biden's orders to prepare for a long conflict in Europe and to plan for nuclear war on three fronts are also of no real consequence. But then you will be deciding to risk the fate of the world on the idea that these people do not really mean what they say.
I prefer to take the more pragmatic, and for me, safer route and trust Trump to be Trump. He will make peace, not for any lofty humanitarian or statesmanlike reason, but because it suits his ego and his id to do so. And that is fine with me. I don't care what motivates the man, as long as we don't end up as radioactive cinders.