How to Explain the Deep State to Someone Who Refuses to Believe It Exists

If you ever worked in a restaurant or the military or any big organisation, you know what the Deep State is.

Joe Brunoli


In the years when I was in college, I, like many Americans, spent a lot of time working in restaurants. When I took a year off to travel around the US, I expanded my experience base in the “hospitality” industry even more.

In just about every restaurant or bar I worked in, there was at least one “senior” server — a waiter or waitress who was older, wiser, and more experienced than everyone else on staff. They were the ones who knew which tables were most popular; which shifts on which days were the most lucrative for tips; how to please customers to maximise those tips. They knew which ice machine was the least temperamental; where to pull the freshest bread from; how to make little modificartions to the plates to increase cuastomer satisfaction.

They knew the kitchen staff and the busboys; they could get special favours and priority help from them when needed.

They also knew which were the best places to sneak a clandestine cigarette — or, in some cases, a shot of vodka.

Veteran wait staff know all the tips and tricks of their business. Managers often do not.



Joe Brunoli

Joe is a Yank with dual US-EU citizenship and comments on trends, politics and more. Buy Joe a coffee here: