Firstly, the Baltic states are NOT homogeneous. Estonia, like Ukraine, their own rich tradition of Nazism.
Please check out this article by the Jewish publication "Forward":
Like Ukraine, many Baltic state people were more than happy to join the Nazis in their quest to kill Russians and Jews,
Here is an article about Estonian Nazis:
"Estonia Hasn't Come to Grips with Its Nazi Past"
Likewise, Lithuania was a huge fan of Nazism -and still is:
Now, I have listed some links to The Forward, which is a fiercely Jewish American publication. You cannot say that they are taking Russia's side. They only report what is blatantly obvious.
And Latvia? Sorry, there is a BIG Nazi culture there as well:
"For the 19th year in a row, about 1,000 people took part in a march commemorating Latvian Legion, who were Nazi collaborators that volunteered with the Waffen-SS during World War II, in the country’s capital Riga."
I am not sure why we in the West want to automatically assume in every case that the people and the countries in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States are somehow INNOCENT and LIBERAL. They also have very embarrassing histories thatr need to be addressed.
They have NOT been addressed because the US and NATO are very happy to collaborate with Nazis - as long as they hate Russians,
It is a perfectly valid, Machiavellian position to adopt "Realpolitik" and say, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".
Fine. Do that. But do not for one moment say that we are supporting the good and the righteous against the evil and corrupt. The US-led West will support whatever Nazi fascist racist, totalitarian regime that they deem to be helpful. Look at Saudi Arabia. Look at Iran under the Shah. Look at Pinochet, Look at Iraq under Saddam (when they were fighting the Iranians).
There is an old saying in America: "sure, he's a son of a bitch, but he's OUR son of a bitch".
That is just a nice way to say, "we support Nazis and fascists and authoritarians as long as they do what we say".