Em, I think you are delusional. Name me one "luxury beach resort" and one shopping mall that existed in Gaza between 2006 (when Israel walled off Gaza) and 2022. I dare you.. Because I think you cannot.
The Israelis "kept Gaza on a diet", they have controlled every single thing that enters or leaves Gaza for almost 20 years. This includes food, medical supplies, and people.
As for Sneh's comment,. it is typical hasbara that I would expect from any Zionist.
The proper framing/metaphor is as follows:
In 2006 the jailers decided to remove all the guards from a prison.
They withdrew all prison guards and staff, closed and locked the doors, and built a huge wall around the prison.
They installed CCTV cameras and remote control machine gun turrets to kill any prisoner that tried to escape.
They would allow only enough food into the prison to provide the minimum daily calorie requirement that each prisoner needed to stay just above the famine level.
They turned off the water.
They turned off the heat and electricity.
They would bomb the prison every 4 years to keep the prison population in check.
MEANWHILE, INSIDE THE PRISON: The prison gangs took over.
Now, who controls the prison? The jailers surrounding the prison? Or the gangs inside the prison?
Spoiler alert: the UN already ruled that Gaza is still under occupation by Israel.