Copied from a post on X:
You're Vladimir Putin.
You've just given a Global, Billion view interview,
You've destroyed the Propaganda of your detractors,
Your popularity is 80% in the polls at home,
Your enemies in Ukraine are facing internal collapse,
Your opponent's proxy funders are losing interest,
Your Army just won a huge victory in Avdeevka,
Your enemies have failed to undermine your Economy,
Your allies are firmly behind you, BRICS is growing,
Your about to be re elected in the upcoming contest.
So what do you do?
Kill a politically irrelevant, marginalised and long forgotten (by the Western Client Media) Western funded stooge (making sure to use a uniquely traceable Russian poison while doing it) all in an effort to to hand the failing West a reason to activate their vast client propaganda media to deflect for all of the above recent successes?
"Anyone in the West who believes this utterly insane fantasy needs to consider how desperate the Western powers, who are set to lose so much in Ukraine, are to inflict any kind of damage, at any price, on Russia, there's a name for this".