Clarus, given what you have written, I must reluctantly conclude that you are either being paid, somehow, to spread desperate propaganda, or you are an idiot.
Here is why:
You say that Russia has lost 420,000 soldiers. This is complete bullshit.I notice that you provide no source for this number. Have you one?
Clarus, if you claim that Jesus is your Lord, I will not argue with you.
If you say that there is intelligent life on other planets, I will not argue with you.
If you say that purple is the best colour in the world - again, I will not argue with you.
But when you start talking about facts, numbers and verifiable data points, I must take issue when you cite numbers that are ludicrously incorrect.
Firstly, we have a way of knowing how many soldiers Russia has lost. There is an organisation - a Western-backed organisation (funded by the BBC) - that does assessments on Russian losses. They scour social media; they read obituaries; they analyse public records. And they publish verifiable - even conservative - numbers of Russian casualties.
This organisation, Mediazona, estimates that between 49,000 and 85,000 Russians have died in the war.
Now, you can dispute those numbers, but then you would need to cite a RELIABLE source. Can you?
Secondly, you quote a figure of 1000 Russian losses per day, which is interesting, because that is the number that Russian authorities claim that Ukraine is losing. In fact, The Russians claim that 80,000 Ukrainians have died on battlefield since January. And they claim that over 400,000 Ukrainians have died so far in the war.
Now, we have no way of knowing if that number is correct or not. Unlike the Russians, the Ukrainians do not release numbers on their losses. In fact, we only have ONE number that has been announced by the Ukrainian government.
On February 26, 2024,, President Zelensky stated that 31,000 Ukrainians had died so far.
Now, if you believe that number, I have some amazing real estate in Florida to sell you. Or perhaps you would like to buy a bridge?
All we can do to assess the casualty situation in Ukraine is start with the fact that Ukraine started with 780,000 soldiers in 2022, and now they are having to lower the age of conscription because they are running out of personnel, and press gangs are rounding up men from bars, discos, and other public venues and dragging them into vans to be shipped to the front.
In addition, we know that the average age of a Ukrainian soldier on the front is now 43 years old.
You concentrate on the attacks on Russia's oil industry, because that is what they want us to look at. This is what makes me think that you are a propagandist.
Those attacks - like the terrorist attack in Moscow - are just the sign of a dying, desperate regime.
As the Allies were closing in on Germany, Hitler announced a new campaign of V-2 rocket strikes in November 1944. The V-2 rockets were shot at Britain in a show of bravado, with the last rockets hitting London on 27 March, 1945 - 2 weeks before the final, unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allies.
So, my dear Clarus, you may go on and on about the drone strikes on Russia, but the fact is that Russia is gaining ground on the battlefield, Kharkov is about to fall, and Odessa will follow. Ukraine is doomed.
And, just like their German Nazi forebears, the Banderite fascists in Kiev will no doubt continue to rely on their Wunderwaffen to hit inside Russia until, at last, the Red Army marches into Kiev.