As with any good Zionist hasbarist, every accusation you make is actually a confession.
YOU are the one who is conflating ideas,
Like all Zionists, you conflate anti-Zionism with ant-Semitism, as it serves your own political objectives.
I am not an anti-Semite. I have all my life had close friends and family members who are Jewish. NONE of them wake up every morning believing they are better than everyone else just because they were born Jewish.
Zionists however, DO believe that - in fact, the entire Zionist project, the idea of Eretz-Israel, is based on that very concept.
And THAT is what I oppose.
Jihadis do not claim that they are superior to all other people on earth just by virtue of the accident of their birth.
Zionists believe that. Nazis believed that, too.
God's Chosen People, The Master Race, it is all of the same cloth, the same belief system that makes you think you have the right to exterminate other people like vermin.