1. You confuse the Russian Federation with the USSR. Ukraine was part of the USSR. It is NOT part of the RF. Do your homework, please.
2. If you think that George W. Bush had the knowledge, skill, force of personality, contacts, ambition and FOCUS to organise and push for the invasion of Iraq, you are crazy. The attempt on his "dad" may have played a factor in his going along with the plan, but it was by no means Bush's plan. Google "Project for the New American Century (PNAC)". Google "Neocon" while you're at it. Since 1998 it was considered strategically critical for the US to seize and hold Iraq.
3) Ah, now we're getting somewhere. Obama fan boy, are we? Afghanistan was the "good" war? Really? The Taliban offered to hand over Bin Laden to the Americans. The Americans DECLINED. War was the preferred option. It always is, with the USA.